Title: Robins | |
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BalletBarb | |
Date Posted:05/03/2018 04:34:01Copy HTML I was told you only ever see one robin in a garden, but for several days now, I've had two in mine. They seem to be a pair as they arrive together and eat together without fighting, although there's a bit of fluttering and jumping up and down going on.
I've been half freezing myself to death trying to catch a photo because they look so striking in the snow, but they stay well out of sight till I go back indoors - then they swoop down on the birdtable like a couple of vultures. |
MeGnome | Share to: #1 |
Re:Robins Date Posted:09/03/2018 11:01:41Copy HTML Also have a pair of robins and woe betide any other robin that comes into our garden lol. We have a single birdfeeder that needs filling ever day (a tube about 12 inches tall) has to be high up as we are surrounded by cats. I counted about 13 or 14 sparrows the other day, a couple of chaffinch, 2 blackbirds, and two long tailed bluetits.